Silver Reed / Studio - LK-150 Knitting Machine Parts
This particular product listing offers parts designed for the Silver Reed / Studio LK-150 Knitting Machine. These parts may also be compatible with other similar models like the LK-100, LK-140, SK-160, and SK-860, but it is important to contact us for further information before attempting to interchange them.
Some large or heavier items are only available from our warehouse, and deliveries may be delayed by a week due to inbound travel time. Any questions, please give us a call
The LK-150 Sponge is our replacement option for the sponge bar on Plastic Bed knitting machines, including the Singer/Silver Reed LK-100, LK-140, and LK-150. Our sponge bar material, made specifically for knitting machines, is of the highest quality - with a sturdy fabric covering on two sides for non-stick capabilities and long-lasting use. The material is pre-cut to a standard size, measuring approximately 43" by 12mm.
Enjoy free shipping on most of these items (excluding warehouse stock only items) by using discount code 4AEM6YHC8CYD. Minimum purchase is $75 to use this code.