Knitting Machine Tips and Thoughts
Short Ribber Cast On Combs
Cast On Comb Knitting Machine Cast On Combs Short Ribber Cast On Combs
Short Ribber Cast On Combs June 09, 2021 • Ribber Cast On Combs • Short Ribber Cast On Combs For those of you who may not be familiar, ribber cast on combs are used in conjunction with your knitting machine and ribber combination to weight your knitted material so that the stitch size stays equal and so that your stitches stay clear of the machine mechanism. A Ribber Cast On Comb is hung under and between the knitting machine main bed and the ribber bed using a fine wire which is threaded thru the knitted material. Holes are provided on...
Studio Memory Card - How to Program
I am including this article because there are so many great pre-owned Studio Electronic knitting machines (SK580 with a PE-1 and EC-1) that have been sold and resold and instructions for programing the Memory Cards have since been lost in the shuffle. A machine knitter may have purchased one of these great electronic Studio machines at a bargain price but now have no idea how to program it. To that end, this article is dedicated. Good luck and Happy Knitting!!! STUDIO PE-1 MEMORY CARD - HOW TO PROGRAM SECTIONS First time use – Start of Memory Card Pattern storage...
Knitting Machine Common Terms & Information
Knitting Machine Common Terms & Information Knitting Machine Tips By Judy
Knitting Tips by Judy The information on this page is to help you learn the ways knitting machines are used, help you to understand the differences among brands, and to give you an idea how machine knitting differs from hand knitting. Hand Knitting vs Machine Knitting When hand knitting with 2 needles, each stitch is formed and the finished stitch is passed onto the needle on the right so that the next stitch is ready to be knitted. With a knitting machine, there is a bed of needles and each one can carry one stitch. So, if your knitting machine has...