Knitting Machine Tips and Thoughts — Cast On Comb

Short Ribber Cast On Combs

Cast On Comb Knitting Machine Cast On Combs Short Ribber Cast On Combs

Short Ribber Cast On Combs

Short Ribber Cast On Combs June 09, 2021 • Ribber Cast On Combs • Short Ribber Cast On Combs For those of you who may not be familiar, ribber cast on combs are used in conjunction with your knitting machine and ribber combination to weight your knitted material so that the stitch size stays equal and so that your stitches stay clear of the machine mechanism. A Ribber Cast On Comb is hung under and between the knitting machine main bed and the ribber bed using a fine wire which is threaded thru the knitted material. Holes are provided on...

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