Knitting Machine Troubleshooting Hints

The Studio LInker

DL-1000 Studio Linker Knitting Machine Help Knitting Machine Helpful Information Knitting Machine Information Knitting Machine Tips By Judy Linking Machine - Studio Studio Singer Knitting Machine Tips

The Studio LInker

Some of you may be lucky enough to own one of the Studio DL-1000 Linkers. Those of you who don't may some day get a chance to own one thru an estate sale. In any case, they are a desirable attribute to any knitting machine collection.  Those of you who are familiar with using the liner, are aware of the advantages. Some of them are: 1) it is much faster than hand seaming. 2) Most of the time, the same yarn that was used to knit the garment can be used to link the garment together. 3) Open stitches as...

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LK-140 and LK-150 Studio/Silver Reed Knitting Machine - more great information

Knitting Machine Helpful Information Knitting Machine Information LK-140 Knitting Machine Helpful Informatin Plastic Bed Knitting Machine Helpful Information. Silver Reed LK-150 Helpful Information Studio/Singer/Silver Reed Machine Knitter FAQ

LK-140 and LK-150 Studio/Silver Reed Knitting Machine - more great information

The LK-140 & LK-150 are similar in design, with one having 140 needles and the other 150 needles. The needle spacing of 6.5mm is the same on both machines. The needle hooks are slightly different in size an the transfer tools have different size openings. The major differences in the machines is in the carriage operation.  The LK-140 has seven tension settings with one click between each setting. The LK-150 has nine tension settings with one click between, plus an every-other-needle setting for tensions. 10 thru 13. This carriage was designed to closely match the size of hand knitting needles....

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Sponge Bar Bow or Bend - Sometimes during shipment.

On occasion, sponge bars (needle retainer bars) can be slightly bent or bowed during shipment or when storing or when dropped. This does not harm them except when the metal backing gets a sharp bend in the metal, normally referred to as a "kink". Once a "kink" has occurred, the sponge bar will not straighten properly and will not fit back into the knitting machine sponge bar slot past the "kink". If your sponge bar was slightly bent during shipment or otherwise, but does not yet have a "kink", it can be easily straightened by slowly and steadily inserting the sponge...

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The LK-100 Studio/White Plastic Bed Knitting Machine

Knitting Machine Common Terms & Information Studio/Singer/Silver Reed Machine Knitter FAQ

The LK-100 Studio/White Plastic Bed Knitting Machine

The LK-100 Studio/White Plastic Bed Knitting Machine

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Knitting Machine Tips - How Knitting Techniques Affect the proportions of a design

Knitting Machine Common Terms & Information Knitting Machine Tips By Judy Studio Singer Knitting Machine Tips Yarn Gauge

Knitting Machine Tips - How Knitting Techniques Affect the proportions of a design

Knitting Machine Tips - How Knitting Techniques Affect the proportions of a design

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